Tag Archives: Boxing Day

On the Tenth Day of Christmas…

So this is my tenth post of my Twelve Days of Christmas series and I’m going to be honest I haven’t got anything really significant to write about, apologies. I’m feeling Christmassy and the Christmas tree is looking lovely, it’s lit up and decked out with decorations, but nothing in my day has made me want to write a Christmassy post.

A gathering of Carol Singers in front of the C...

Christmas Time

Today I went back to my part time job which is just a holiday job in-between uni terms and I had forgotten how much I dislike working. Now, I don’t mind the people I work with, they’re actually really nice. But, it’s just so boring and causes so much stress for so little pay…but hey ho that’s life!

The worst news I found out today and something that has put a downer on my whole day was this…now brace yourselves because it’s heartbreaking news, indeed it is.

So here we go…I found out that I have to work Boxing Day! YEAH! That’s right, Boxing Day, it sucketh! I know people have much worse jobs and have to work Christmas day and all that jazz, but working in a part time job in retail, I just think what’s the point? Why can’t people go shopping on the 27th instead?

It’s Christmas time, so I shouldn’t moan but I would like my company to realise they have ruined, yes ruined my Christmas. Cheers!

And that has been your daily fix of Christmas.

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