Tag Archives: David Cameron

Politicians: How about the truth this time?

Image of the front door of Number 10 Downing S...

Number 10 Downing Street

Now when I say the truth I mean the real truth, the one that isn’t a lie. You may be thinking, well obviously the truth is not a lie, and is there even such a thing as the ‘real truth’ because surely by definition the truth is real truth anyway. Besides giving myself a headache I’m come to the conclusion I’m talking rubbish: normality resumes. This article however, has got some point to it, whether you will be able to extract it is another matter all together, but we’ll have a go.

What the introduction was meant to state, but failed miserably, was that politicians are well overdue in telling us the truth, the real truth that is! In other words politicians are made of some crafty stuff, for sure. I was watching the News when it hit me; you rarely ever get the truth out of a politician and it’s like getting the truth out of Pinnochio, damn difficult, I think, isn’t it?

It really is no coincidence that as soon as the governmental flavour of the month is voted into power they begin their landslide into a pit of hate from their own voters. This amazing feat is repeated pretty much election after election, but for some reason everyone just seems to buy into it and vote for the ones they used to hate four years ago? Strange.

What annoys me most is that for some reason these same politicians believe they have some ‘get-out-of-jail-free-card’ for telling the truth. You have to give them some credit though, they give a masterclass in avoiding saying anything of any relevance to the probing question posed. Interview after interview, whatever the question the reply always seems to be along the lines of…’well what our government is doing, which I personally supported, is to provide economic growth to a country left in ruins by the previous (add formally elected party name here) government.’ Voila call me a politician and vote me into Parliament!

So why don’t they tell the truth anymore? Are their minds and hearts so scarred by the world of politics they have become immune to the notion of truth? I doubt it, but only just. They don’t tell us what is really happening and what is really going on because they know they can get away with not telling us. We just happily let them pull the wool over our eyes, but why?

I think it’s because so many people have lost faith in politicians they just don’t care what they say anymore, they just know it’s something that resembles a big fat lie. The real question we have to ask is why are the elect elite so untrustworthy? That we even have to pose this question is a good indication that something somewhere has gone horribly wrong. We, as a society, have become so fickle and judgemental that we form so many of our views on what that guy said in that newspaper; which, for anyone that didn’t catch on is a rubbish way to form a view. We support this MP because of this but hate this MP because of that, but isn’t the difference so marginal? I am opening myself up to some hideous political naivety, I apologise. But I think maybe we are the ones who have forced politicians into a truth-less, lie defining, parasitic existence (I added the last bit for affect, too much? Yeah, ‘parasitic’ was a bit harsh and pretty meaningless in this context too but roll with it, thanks)

Running the country must be no mean feat and how we haven’t all started attacking each other with pitchforks yet would suggest it’s going pretty well in my book. You can never please everyone, that is for sure. Shut down the animal testing centre and you please the animal rights activists but annoy the scientist who lose their jobs. Politicians are frightfully worried about votes, which makes sense. But because we despise and abandon so quickly, we cause politicians to turn to lies so to hide the truth that will only make us switch our allegiance, again.

So we conclude that politicians lie to us to stop us from turning to the opposing party, who they believe will do us more harm and damage our precious lives immeasurably, so it’s kind of sweet that politicians avoid telling us the truth. Oh don’t be silly that’s a stupid idea, their just bad sports, liars too!

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